Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BA storms through Limperial!

Albany managed to destroy Imperial on his way to the finals. BA was seen running through the

streets saying we will not be denied! As promised He knocked down that one street light and brought it back to Albany. While leaving Imperial you can hear the chants "How you like me now".

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

BA takes out Nor-Choke! Limperial is Next!

Albany is plans on steam rolling through the playoffs. We like to thanks Nor-Choke for showing up for the post season. I Own him in the post season. I would have payed money to see his face when Portis was standing on the sidelines (Ha). I'm ready for you Wags, prepared for Imperial to be Bombed.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Albany Coach goes off after hi QB was criticized by the Fans

In Albany a breaking story unfolds as Albany's head coach goes off on the media after his star QB is criticized by the fans. BA was seen chasing reporters down the hall way. We are in the Play Offs, we will not have this harm our team chemistry. We will lift the Cup at the end.
