Friday, October 31, 2008


Role, roll does it matter! How about this: 5-3! Who runs the FAA, ME that’s’ WHO!
Who is the hottest team in the FAA? ME, that’s WHO, You can either Role/Roll with me or not!
I’m mad, BA is real mad. How you going to disrespect the FACE of FAA by having a 1-7 team favorite
against me? Business is never personal TOKY-BLOWS! I will not even wait for you to jump on the bus.
I will commence my beat down of you on your front porch. All your flowers DEAD, all the pumpkins on
the front porch CRUSHED! I will not take the kids candy, now that’s Wagneress, I do have a pinch of compassion.
I need to warn you that BA will go Tonya Harding on you SLOW! He is about ready to jump on his kick and go and
get you. You have awakened a sleeping giant! I will go Norman Schwarzkopf on the FAA! Hide the woman and children,
this will get ugly early and often.

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