Monday, November 16, 2009

Albany Takes a Stand for the Maroney Trade.

As the hits continue to come in and the questions continued to be asked, Albany is committed to what we deemed as a good trade for the Patroons. Owner and Operator Rod Martin, Beltzoover born and Beltzoover raised, ordained Deacon so give Him(God) some praise. Rod is not swayed by the criticism that is thrown at the Patroons. This was a deal that WE felt could benefit the Patroons with the struggles that our RB have faced. The move did that, and lit a spark under R Mendy. We liked the match ups that Maroney had coming down the stretch. For all those taking shots at him, go ahead. He's a Player! I guess WE won the bet on who will score more points, BW or Maroney! We will not be persuaded to PLAY anyone at anytime. We will play the match ups, all the way to the title. I don't have to justify my moves, my record stands for it's self.

Maroney 10

CB 2
BW 4.

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