Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Back by popular demand! The ratings grabber; The ladies killer; BA and the "HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW" tour is back and better than ever. BA likes to move the crowd, and although he is only 5 years old he enjoys the oldies like his Dad. Last week we had a tough game that came down to the wire and we were fortunate to walk away with the W. BA reminded me at half time that he had a talk with are QB "Cool Breesin'" and he had to give him the "Face of Fury" to stress how important this game is to the Franchise. Like a real G, Brees and Thomas made it happen to secure a tough hard fought game with Imperial. BA would like to tip his hat and raise up a huggy drink to WAGS and say "good game", tough schedule, hope to see you again in the post season. And to all you doubters, player haters, respect my game. We are ready for Hendo! We will unleash the "Face of Fury" in Philly this weekend.
This weekends them will be "MOVE THE CROWD"

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