Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BA storms through Limperial!

Albany managed to destroy Imperial on his way to the finals. BA was seen running through the

streets saying we will not be denied! As promised He knocked down that one street light and brought it back to Albany. While leaving Imperial you can hear the chants "How you like me now".

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

BA takes out Nor-Choke! Limperial is Next!

Albany is plans on steam rolling through the playoffs. We like to thanks Nor-Choke for showing up for the post season. I Own him in the post season. I would have payed money to see his face when Portis was standing on the sidelines (Ha). I'm ready for you Wags, prepared for Imperial to be Bombed.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Albany Coach goes off after hi QB was criticized by the Fans

In Albany a breaking story unfolds as Albany's head coach goes off on the media after his star QB is criticized by the fans. BA was seen chasing reporters down the hall way. We are in the Play Offs, we will not have this harm our team chemistry. We will lift the Cup at the end.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Can you Feel it!!!

With the good News of the Patroons headed back to the playoffs, there was pandomonia in the streets of Albany. A block party on every corner praising the owners BA and Albany for bringing the City back to the place they always belonged. The fans adopted a new song to let the nation know who they are and what they are about. All you suckers who have been ridng the Albany wave and never gave up: BA has one thing to ask you; "CAN YOU FEEL IT!!!!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

This for all you Chumpions who been disin' on Albany!!

I just got one thing to say to all you chumps that been riding me for the past three years.
Thinking that I don't have what it takes to be a FAA star. Now you wish you had what I had and got what I got. Hahaha!

"How you like me now!


Prepare for the Feast! Zucchini Stye.

BA is inviting all FAA family and friends to prepare for the Feast he has laid out for a Pre Thanksgiving day meal. The special for the Day will be Zucchini on a Stick. The table is prepared and the Hibachi is ready. BA plans on laying the pads on Zuc and Mini Zuc. We will afflict pain.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Siv says come and get some, I'm flexing,

Siv, from Sew Weakly came to Albany to issue a challenge. Fresh out of the weight room and ready for confrontation he tries to flex down Albany and says, come and get some!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


As the Patroons march forward like the D Day invasion on the Veterans Day, we plan on destroying all pretenders on the way to lifting the Fabio Cup. I was sitting in the war room with BA planning my strategic efforts for my battle with Limperial. I am glad he said to me keep M. Moore, he is the A-Train of 2003. I had so many offers for him, from all those who said he has no fantasy value!! I laugh at you fro high heights: HaHaHa!! Hey wags, how did LT do against the KC Def? This picture is of BA in the war room.

Monday, November 3, 2008

What should Aqua Man do?

Dear Bob,

I composed this letter for FAA to assist you in running your franchise. You have been under 500 for your entire career and it is honorable that you take a stand and realize that you need help. The first thing that you need to do is realize WHO you are? This is important, we can't stress this enough. So repeat after me.

BA: My name is Bob and I suck at Fantasy football!

BOB: My name is Bob and I suck at Fantasy football!

BA: That's great Bob, way to say it with feeling!

Now Bob, since you now realize that you suck at Fantasy Football; this is no time to make any drastic decisions. There is a slight chance you can turn this around so by all means DO NOT PANIC!

Looking at your team you have some tough decisions to make as for who you should keep. If was me I would consider a youth movement and keep. This may surprise most but I would lean toward Hightower. In the draft you must get a quality backup QB.


I send this plea out to all my FAA brothers to help our friend Bob, turn this franchise around. He is not an Idiot! He our idiot and we are the only
group that can refer to him as such. We are here for you Bob, We stand united.

Thank you,

Baby Albany

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Here is the evidence

Albany's son attacked, Tokyo suspected.

It is being reported that Albany's oldest son has been mugged in a Braddock Hills alley on the way to school. The attackers where allegedly trying to find out the Patroons game plan for this weekend. BA was seen storming out of a meeting racing to his Big Wheel. Albany's son said that they hit me with that Ninjitsoo stuff, I didn't see it coming. Tokyo was not available for comment.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Role, roll does it matter! How about this: 5-3! Who runs the FAA, ME that’s’ WHO!
Who is the hottest team in the FAA? ME, that’s WHO, You can either Role/Roll with me or not!
I’m mad, BA is real mad. How you going to disrespect the FACE of FAA by having a 1-7 team favorite
against me? Business is never personal TOKY-BLOWS! I will not even wait for you to jump on the bus.
I will commence my beat down of you on your front porch. All your flowers DEAD, all the pumpkins on
the front porch CRUSHED! I will not take the kids candy, now that’s Wagneress, I do have a pinch of compassion.
I need to warn you that BA will go Tonya Harding on you SLOW! He is about ready to jump on his kick and go and
get you. You have awakened a sleeping giant! I will go Norman Schwarzkopf on the FAA! Hide the woman and children,
this will get ugly early and often.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

BA Takes respect, he doesn't ask for it

This is for all the pretenders out there. What the hell is a Siv? Who names there kid Siv.
You got me good with that cake but it was early in the year. I got my team on a role now.
You are sinking faster than McCain. I love it when SLOW gives me no credit. He is the hottest team but. Get your but out of the way chump. I have the best QB. Two young stud RB and Grant is heating up. A top 5 WR. Keep Sweating me Keith. Aqua Man you can't comment on my team. You are not on my level. I will not only win but dominate this weekend, just in time for me to kick a whole in WAGS, the following weekend.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sew Weakly after puting up 38 points

As BA predicted Sew Weakly shall come back to earth. This is a picture of the two after there humiliating defeat by the Hitmen.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bounty set on Ivan

BA has placed a bounty on Ivan for this weeks game. BA said that a crow bar to the knees would be fine with him. This is no time to be soft. We plan on making a example out of the Destroyers this weekend. No mercy will be given. The FAA needs to fear the Patroons and the only way to do this is to lay the smack down to all those who step this way.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

You can't touch this Wags

Baby Albany, at one years old. A player with game. FAA Co Owner of the Albany Patroons.

The Union of Albany and Ms Albany. And it came to pass that in the process of time Baby Albany was born.