Monday, November 16, 2009

Albany Takes a Stand for the Maroney Trade.

As the hits continue to come in and the questions continued to be asked, Albany is committed to what we deemed as a good trade for the Patroons. Owner and Operator Rod Martin, Beltzoover born and Beltzoover raised, ordained Deacon so give Him(God) some praise. Rod is not swayed by the criticism that is thrown at the Patroons. This was a deal that WE felt could benefit the Patroons with the struggles that our RB have faced. The move did that, and lit a spark under R Mendy. We liked the match ups that Maroney had coming down the stretch. For all those taking shots at him, go ahead. He's a Player! I guess WE won the bet on who will score more points, BW or Maroney! We will not be persuaded to PLAY anyone at anytime. We will play the match ups, all the way to the title. I don't have to justify my moves, my record stands for it's self.

Maroney 10

CB 2
BW 4.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Back by popular demand! The ratings grabber; The ladies killer; BA and the "HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW" tour is back and better than ever. BA likes to move the crowd, and although he is only 5 years old he enjoys the oldies like his Dad. Last week we had a tough game that came down to the wire and we were fortunate to walk away with the W. BA reminded me at half time that he had a talk with are QB "Cool Breesin'" and he had to give him the "Face of Fury" to stress how important this game is to the Franchise. Like a real G, Brees and Thomas made it happen to secure a tough hard fought game with Imperial. BA would like to tip his hat and raise up a huggy drink to WAGS and say "good game", tough schedule, hope to see you again in the post season. And to all you doubters, player haters, respect my game. We are ready for Hendo! We will unleash the "Face of Fury" in Philly this weekend.
This weekends them will be "MOVE THE CROWD"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

BA Sends this out to all his Kid Rockers!

You are wanted Zuc! Dead or Alive. BA has a Bounty on you. Don't try to run, don't try to hide.
We are coming for you. We will get you right outside your door. We will show you no mercy this weekend. You need to understand where you belong in the pecking order.


We got something for you. I can't say we are back because we never left. Albany is at full strength and ready to make our move. We have pretenders, teams going out on benders because there season has gone up in smoke. We are carrying our "How you like me now " tour to Quiptown. The town back in the cut, is starving for a real team. They keep dragging all them old folks out to make some noise and rally the poeple. BA don't know them! Who is Mike Ditka! Joe Willie Namath! They can't help you now Zuccetta. I have some tattoo's for you're candy, well you know what I mean. But if you care to jump up, or if you feel froggy, then BA's posse has this for you. Get ready for your beat down!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Albany is ready to begin the Mendenhall era. I recall 2 years ago when Albany noticed the talent in this rising star. Yes, there were issues/injuries that slowed his progress, but now he is ready to take FAA by storm. BA is excited about Mendy, and said he will get the ball and we expect big things from him. This is the time to seperate the contenders from pretenders and we are ready to do that this week. We have Aqua Boogie de void of land in town and we plan on laying the smack down on him. It's time for Albany to get back on track this weekend and we turn to Bret and Mendy to carry the load. This will be the year of the Patroons.

Friday, October 2, 2009


BA is back and better than ever! Nobody can talk smack on Albany and expect not to get a gut check from BA. Yes we lost to MASON who we don't even believe exist. We don't view him as a contender, just a pretender. You got lucky punk! I guess I will hear from you in a couple more weeks if you win again. Now to the game at hand. This is the big game. I go up against Sewickley and we know this is always a hard fight. He's had my number the last couple of years but now it's time to take complete control of the Central. This will be a Black and Blue game BA is prepared to kick so SEW-WEAK-AS_ LELIE you know what all night long. BA said what is a Sewickley anyway? I said some Chump that will be screaming our name sooner than he thinks.

The party continues in Albany as the fans get loud saying "We Want Albany". I know, I know my fans are every where. Well, we are preparing for this great match up, since you can't have me right now, I will give you Larry Graham because this is how I plan on thumping Siv.

Monday, September 28, 2009


After a impressive opening of the season with landmark victories over the Jackers and the Clients. Going into our third game we were very optimistic about going 3-0. The Patroons were facing Mason! Oh yeah. that Mason. The one named Jason, but we call Mason. Unfortunate for us Mason brought his A game and took out the Patroons. After his big win Mason came out of hiding and we captured him before his first press conference.

Friday, September 18, 2009


As the Albany Patroons get ready for there 2nd week match up with The Clients, Baby Albany will be hosting a party in downtown Albany for all of our faithful fans. Come out and join us for this weekend of festivities. This will be a year long celebration because we believe the party will conclude when we take over the town of SEW WEAK AS_ LELIE and taste from the precious cup. This celebration is know as Albany's "HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW" tour. Albany opened the season with a hard fought battle against NJ. BA was quoted as saying you can't under estimate the value of star power. We have that is Albany. when asked about his running feud with FAT-O, and the Clients, BA sad he awaken a sleeping giant. NY, is my HOUSE! When you grab your crayons and make signs saying you run this town! That's like kicking my PlayStation! IT'S ON PHONY-O. When asked about why he is so hard on LEBO? BA said, man, if Mt LEBO knew about the Outlaws, they would close them down. I got love for Bob, but he is bringing the best division in FAA down with his Aqua Boogie. Step up Boob.

All fans young and old will be treated to a free concert in Downtown Albany. Kool Moe Dee will be performing our 2009 theme song and for the kids we have King Julian.

Monday, September 7, 2009


As the Patroons embark on the 2009 campaign, we are excited and look forward to dominating the Central. I would like to congratulate Sew-Weakly for winning the 2008 cup and I look forward to the rivalry this year. Just to clear the air with Wags. You had to be there to believe it. Wags turn into Bill Belichick when he was with the Browns and couldn't draft K. Brady. You could have fried a egg on his forehead. Truth of the matter is, Wags Knowshon would have been a Patroon at the fifth pick for sure.

This had to be one of the weakest drafts that I can remember. With that said, the draft strategy for the Patroons was centered around this philosophy. With the suspension of Lynch for 3 games this led us to draft P. Thomas first, who we feel with the departure of DM, will light it up in the #1 offense in the NFL. With no picks in the 2nd round, and 2 picks in the 3rd, The Patroons took Mendenhall and Hightower. The Hightower pick was laughed at by Choker O but really, how many true number one RB were on the Market. Our sources are predicting a big yearout of Hightower. Also are sources informed me that Parker will not be back next year. Mendenhall will be insurence for 2010 if I choose to keep him. With our 4th and 5th pick Albany picked H. Ward and L. Moore to sure up the WR position. Ward is a solid number 2 WR and Lance has the potential to be a star. With our 6th pick we chose Carlson a TE from Seatle who we expect to have a big year now that his QB is back. With my later round picks I grabbed Farve, a kicker S. Gostkow, WR S Rice, and RB Brandon Jackson. We are a excited about our team and look forward to this year.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

BA getting ready for the draft.

BA is in the War Room getting ready for the FAA Draft. Despite all the negative talk around the Patroons, we will continue to dominate in the Central. When I told BA that other owners are anointing The Out-Lucks as the team to beat in the Central. BA said Oil and Water don't mix.

This is a two horse Division. Albany and Sew-Weakly. Sorry Zuc, you are a year away. Patroon's are powered by Cisco c3750's. We have the power and will be ready for the draft.